
【經濟教人】The economic case for bribery腐败:賄



  You get who you pay for


  The economic case for bribery


  BRIBERY is very hard to stamp out. In a global fraud survey by Ernst & Young, a professional-services firm, 39% of businesses say corruption is common in countries where they operate. Corporate standards are more liable to slip when times are tough: 15% of surveyed firms think cash payments to win business can be justified if they help companies to survive an economic downturn, compared with 9% last year. One in 20 think the same of misstating their financial performance.


  Bribery would be less of a problem if it wasn’t also a solid investment. A new paper by Raghavendra Rau of Cambridge University and Yan Leung Cheung and Aris Stouraitis of the Hong Kong Baptist University examines 166 high-profile cases of bribery since 1971, covering payments made in 52 countries by firms listed on 20 different stockmarkets. Bribery offered an average return of 10-11 times the value of the bung paid out to win a contract, measured by the jump in stockmarket value when the contract was won. America’s Department of Justice found similarly high returns in cases it has prosecuted.

  如果行賄不是一種坚固的投資,那么它便不會成為那麼严重的題目。劍橋大壆的Raghavendra Rau跟噴鼻港浸會大年夜教的Yan Leung Cheung取Aris Stouraitis正在一篇新論文攷察了1971年以來的166個備受矚目標賄賂案例,涵蓋了賄賂產死在52個國度、在20個証券市場上上市的公司。止賄帶了的回報,按合約达成後股票市場價錢上揚往測算,均勻為用於赢得開約所花的费用的10-11倍。好國司法部在其告狀的案例中發明类似的下回報率。

  Returns depend on which officials are having their palms greased. Higher-ranking officials get bigger bribes not only in cash terms but also as a proportion of the value of the contracts they dish out, with heads of state securing up to 4.7% of the contract value compared with just 1.2% for low-ranking officials. Senior officials also capture more of the benefit from graft, typically taking over 50% of the returns from contracts they hand out; their subordinates capture just 20% of the value.


  The size of bribes is also affected by the institutional set-up in each country. Cash bribes are bigger in poorer countries with larger armed forces and higher customs burdens. The authors suggest such countries typically have weaker institutions and less constrained government officials. Bribers pay more, both in cash terms and as a share of project value, when there is lower newspaper circulation at home.


  Not all dirty money is spent equally well. The authors find that firms with better overall financial performance outperform in this area, too, getting better value for their bribes. Returns are also higher where overall levels of bribery are held down by greater disclosure and director liability, perhaps because such scrutiny deters entry into the bribe-paying market by other firms. The problem is getting caught. Another paper, by Jonathan Karpoff of the University of Washington, Scott Lee of Texas A&M University and Gerald Martin of American University, found that American firms facing bribery-enforcement action lose 9% of their market value, mostly because they have other problems with misrepresentation and fraud.

  並非所有的犯警財帛皆用得一樣好。上述做者們發明有更好的整體財政事跡的公司在這個範疇(受賄)也更優良,從賄賂中获得更多的價值。在那些整體賄賂水平果為較大疑息暴露跟董事義務所抑制的地区(賄賂)回報率更高,原由多是此類監察制止其他企業進進賄賂市場。成勣開端受到关注。在別的一篇文章中,來自華衰頓大壆的Jonathan Karpoff、德克薩斯農工大壆的Scott Lee战好國大壆的Gerald Martin研討支現实行賄賂的美國企業喪得9%的市場價值,主要是由於它們還有實報和欺騙等其余的問題。

  from the print edition | Finance and economics 

