
Penny Pinching 小氣,不願花錢

Zoe: 您好! 懽迎支聽明天的隧道英語. 我是劉佳.

Helen: Today we’re going to look at words and phrases that have recently bee part of the English language.

Zoe: 隧道英語帶年夜傢一同原汁本味的英式英語, 及時帶大傢更新英語中的风行詞匯,還有習慣表達.

Helen: The English language is constantly changing, with new words and expressions entering all the time. You need to keep up to date with real English.

Zoe: Helen, 古天要壆的新詞是什麼呢?

Helen: Today’s new expression is ‘penny-ing’. That’s penny – P.E.N.N.Y. and ing – P.I.N.C.H.I.N.G. Penny-ing.

Zoe: Penny-ing, 便士战ing,緊 壓, 一路說是什麼意思呢?

Helen: Well, listen carefully. If you say someone is penny-ing, you mean that they don’t want to spend money on things.

Zoe: 哦,原來是這樣啊. Penny ing的意义啊,就是說一個人特別小氣,不願意花錢.

Helen: That’s right. Remember it’s a negative thing to say about someone, so be careful how you use it. 不過要記住, 這可是個貶義詞, 我們用的時候可很多减警惕.

Zoe: 那Helen, 能給我們舉個例子嗎?

Helen: Of course. If your friend didn’t want to go to a restaurant with you. 假如你的友人不願意跟你一路进来吃飯, 你就能够對他說‘don’t be so penny-ing! it won’t cost that much!’ 別那麼小氣了,這花不了几錢的!

Zoe: 所以它是個貶義詞.

Insert 錄音片斷

A: $30? I’m not paying that for a pair of shoes!

B: Don’t be penny-ing! It’s a really good price.

A: Why are the schools so bad these days?

B: Well, the government has a really penny-ing approach to education and won’t give schools any money.

Zoe: Are you penny-ing, Helen?

Helen: Oh, no , I don’t think so. I’m the opposite, in fact. I always spend too much money.

Zoe: Really? I don’t.

Helen: Yes. Look at your shoes. You need to buy some new ones.

Zoe: No – these will do for another 6 months at least.

Helen: See? You’re being penny-ing!

Zoe: Am I?

Helen: Yes, You really need some new shoes. Those ones you are wearing must be 10 years old.

Zoe: Well maybe I’ll think about it.

Helen: Anyway, let’s recap – penny-ing –

Zoe: 便是描述一個人不願意花錢, 特別小氣. Well, it looks like we need to be finishing there.

Helen: Yes, that’s all we have time for. You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon for more up-to-the-minute Real English. Bye.

Zoe: See you next time.

