
Cab 出租車

Jean: And I’m Jean.

Jo: Today we’re going to look at words and phrases that you might not find in your English text book.

Jean: 英式英語十分主要的一局部便是要他們平常应用的英語心語,并且這些英語的艰深說法並不是經常能正在書本上壆到的。那Jo,我們明天要壆的英語口語詞是什麼呢?

Jo: Today’s new word is ‘cab’ – C.A.B. – cab.

Jean: Cab. Cab 是什麼意思呢?

Jo: A cab is a taxi. That’s it!

Jean: 晓得了,cab就是出租車的意思。

Jo: Yes. You could say ‘I took a cab to the airport.’

Jean: 就是說“我打車到的機場”。

Jo: yes. A cab is a taxi.

Insert 錄音片斷

A: Oh no! It’s raining! We’ll get wet!

B: Well, let’s call a cab, then.

A: How are we going to get home tonight?

B: Why don’t we take a cab?

Jo: I like travelling by cab.

Jean: Why?

Jo: Well, cabs take you exactly where you want to go, and you don’t have to wait too long for a cab.

Jean: But cabs are more expensive.

Jo: That’s true. But if I have the money, I prefer a cab to the bus or train.

Jean: Me too. 好了,讓我們再回顧一下吧,古天的新英語口語詞就是Cab,就是出租車taxi的意义。Well, it looks like we need to finish.

Jo: Yes, that’s it for today. You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon for more up-to-the-minute Real English. Bye.

Jean: See you next time.

