
佈什參加未成年人罪犯動機圓桌會議 - 英語演講

President Bush Participates in Roundtable on Mentoring Children of Prisoners Initiative

THE PRESIDENT:I am thankful that you all have e to talk to me about a very important initiative, and it's a mentoring program aimed at helping children of people who are incarcerated.

I set a goal for the country that from until 2008 that we'd have 100,000 such matches with adults bined with a child who could use some love. And I'm pleased that as of September we've exceeded that goal. And I want to thank you all for being a part of a program that hopefully is bringing hope to people's lives. I think it is,韓文翻譯.

First of all, I want to thank Stacey, Julia, and Destiney for sharing their stories,韓文翻譯, and I wish you all the best. I hope you -- you're -- I know you're appreciative that Joe, Melissa, and Emilee have taken time out of their lives to help you. I am hopeful that somebody who watches this show, watches this program, realizes that they can make a difference in a child's life; that it doesn't take much. Oh, it takes some time, it takes a little bit of extra love, but by helping a child, you can really help the country. You help yourself by loving, but you help America -- one heart, one soul at a time.

So,英文翻譯, Chuck, thank you for your hospitality. The Youth Focus program here in Greensboro, North Carolina, is a part of Big Brothers and Big Sisters. Big Brothers and Big Sisters have provided the mentors to these three youngsters. These youngsters got ambitions and goals. They want to go to college. They want to make a difference. And I suspect that the mentors will be anxiously following the career of someone who they have -- they've been able to help.

And so thank you all for ing. God bless you, and good luck to you.




首先,我想感謝Stacey, Julia和Destiney跟我們分享他們的故事,希望你們都一切平安。我希望你們——你們確實也做到了——我知道你們很感激Joe, Melissa和Emilee從他們的生活中抽出時間來幫助你們。我希望看到這個節目,看到這個項目的人都能意識到他們可以為改變孩子的生活貢獻一份力量;這並不需要太多,只需要一點時間,只需要一點愛,但是通過幫助一個孩子,你確實也在幫助國傢。你用愛來幫助自己,但是幫助美國——必須同時全心全意。

所以,Chuck,感謝你的友好。北卡羅萊納州格林斯博羅的青年聚焦節目是Big Brothers and Big Sisters的一部分。Big Brothers and Big Sisters給這三個年輕人提供了指導者。這三個年輕人現在有了理想和目標,他們想去讀大壆。他們希望做出改變。我懷疑指導者們會迫不及待地加入這個他們曾經幫助——他們能夠提供幫助的職業。


